Happy Friday! What are your plans for the weekend? Any movies or dinner reservations? After trying for two weeks, I finally got the tickets to the movie - Avatar. Have you watched it? Did you like it?
This week's freebie is by
jinjerup. These adorable printable labels are available in three different colors
here, 100% FREE! :)
These printables are soo adorable! I am planning for a relaxing weekend. Have fun at Avatar! I didnt see it yet but i heard from friends it's nice. Have a lovely merry happy weekend and love to you!
These are so cute! And YES, Avatar was a great movie! Have a good time and a wonderful weekend!
Love this giveaway!!! Thanks.
Also, I haven't seen the movie yet. Heard it is amazing though.
This is perfect! I have so many plain empty jars collecting dust; it's time to dress them up. This weekend I will be hosting a dinner party (breakfast for dinner theme) at my home. Have fun on your movie night!
Avatar is incredible! Not the most original story (hello, Fern Gully!) but just an incredible world that J Cameron has created. Just found your blog and it's adorable. Might just have to link your cute freebie labels!
Loved Avatar' still can't stop thinking about it,
BTW...love your blog,it's inspiring'i am going to design some owl pillows for you
I haven't seen Avatar yet but I hear it's really good. You'll have to tell us how you like it!
SUPER cute labels! I have not seen Avatar yet, so be sure to tell us if you liked it!
Your blog is darling, so so darling! Thank you for stopping by my blog so that now I can know about yours. I am definitely subscribing now that I have my laptop and blog reader back! Woohoo! :)
Those labels are so sweet!
Really liked Avatar in 3D. Still want to go back and see it in IMAX 3D!
Have a fabulous weekend!
Just popped over after you left a lovely comment on my blog. This is adorable. How in the world do you find so many owl things? It's amazing! I am going back to check out all the fun stuff. So glad I clicked on over!
What a lovely freebie :) thanks for sharing!
I saw Avatar as soon as it opened and it was pretty good but I think those who watch it for a dozen times a week are just overreacting. It is just another blockbuster - definitely must-see but all that craziness is a bit too much.
Have a lovely weekend :)
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