Today, I am going to share with you something very special to me. I started a cause called 'Give Books Give Smiles'. Its objective is not something grand, but great and very dear to me. It's to bring smiles to kids through books, one kid at a time. 'Give books Give Smiles' aims to collect books in donation for little kids in the streets of India.
I want to spread awareness about the many kids in India who instead of going to school, end up working or begging in streets due to neglect, poverty and the other unfortunate circumstances. They are not only deprived of an education but also of their childhood. They have probably never seen the inside of a book, never received a gift. I want to give them a gift, a gift of books which makes them smile.

I appeal to all of you to help me spread the word about this cause among your friends and family. All the books will be distributed by me personally. I'll keep the calendar page (currently under construction) updated. All the monetary donations will be used for buying books from used books stores and for shipping (if I am unable to carry all of them with me).
Please visit 'Give Books Give Smiles' for details. There is a button on the website which you can copy and paste on your website to support the cause, if you want.
Today's featured product says it all in so little words - Reading is a hoot!
Available at HouseHold Words of Mandie.