Hope you all had a great weekend. I had one hell of a weekend! I did meet a few close friends of mine and had long conversations on phone with those who live far from where I am. In the middle of everything else, I did manage to go out for shopping with my hubby, actually it was less of a shopping trip and more of visiting our favorite spots together. Crawling traffic in New Delhi is no new news for us but the traffic jams have gotten worse. We almost dread going to any place which is more than 10 Kilometers(approx. 7 miles) in car, walking is no option. Otherwise, Delhi is same old for us. Family, food and fun! The three most essentials for my survival :)
I did take some pictures on my mini-trips in my neighborhood and to Connaught Place, one of the hot spots in Delhi. You can check some of the pictures here. I gave title and brief descriptions to the pictures. If you want to know more about any of it feel free to shoot me an email or leave me a message.
Let's start our week with Mia Overgaard's gorgeous illustrations. She studied fashion in Denmark and has grown to like drawing clothes and models more than making clothes. Her work is inspired by "Music, children, fairy tales, art in general, nature, my life!" To know more about Mia read her interview here. You can buy her beautiful work here.
Via: Decor8blog
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