Monday, September 7, 2020

Stunning Pendants Made By Pressing Silver Into Hand-Carved Molds

Kristan is the designer and the founder of the jewelry brand Silver Wishes. She has a great passion for nature which reflects in her work. She handcrafts pendants that are inspired by the nature around her depicting owls, rabbits, wolves, polar bears, trees and leaves.

Each piece is handcrafted by the artist in her home studio, carefully pressed from artist's original carving. To make such stunning pieces Kristan uses the metal clay technique which involves combining metal such as silver with organic binder that burns leaving behind shining silver.

Kristan's profile begins with these lines by W. Somerset Maugham - "Every production of an artist should be an expression of an adventure of his soul." The artist has been able to capture her love for the nature and its beings in her work. Her one-of-a-kind pieces are perfect for an animal or a nature lover, or someone who appreciates a jewelry piece with a beautiful craftsmanship.

The pendants can also be ordered with a chain and can be personalized with a message or a name. You can find pendants on different themes including botanical, feathers, trees, furry friends and more in her online store - Silver Wishes.

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