Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Fluid Acrylic Paints Are Pulled With A Chain To Render Images

Designer Gemma77 is an artist who creates fluid acrylic paintings. The artist uses acrylic pouring technique, it's an amazing technique where acrylic paint is mixed with some type of pouring medium including water and poured onto a canvas. The artist makes use of plastic bottles with nozzles to layer paints and then "pulls" the paints with a metal chain to render shapes.

The artist makes this method of painting look so effortless which must involve several practice sessions and a clear strategy. It's hard to tell what the final result will look like considering the unpredictable nature of acrylic paint pouring. You can take a closer look at her work and see her in action on YouTube where the artist has amassed close to 300K subscribers.

Watch the following brief video for 'Flying Owl' painting.

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