Thursday, January 3, 2019

Pitchers, Creamers and Other Whimsical Objects Sculpted by Linda Hsiao

Baby owl creamer

Baby bird creamer

Baby owl creamer

Flying dodo bird pitcher

Orange toucan speckled pitcher 

Red beaked bird juicer

Starry eyed bird bowls


I am so excited to have stumbled across Linda Hsiao's ceramics. She sculpts a whole range of functional ceramics that are suitable to be used everyday. The owl pitchers, toucan pitchers, bird juicers and bowls, snake tumblers, garlands and figurines will bring whimsy to the any corner of the house. I absolutely love how her pieces are roughly shaped into animals and glazed with earthy tones.

Besides being a ceramist Linda is a freelance industrial designer and loves to do gardening and woodcarving. You can find the ceramics that are available for purchase in her online store - Knotwork LA.


  1. These are wonderful! Thank you for sharing this work, and I wish you a very happy, healthy, and grace-filled year ahead. xox

  2. Thank you Robin! You are so sweet :)
