Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Incredibly Surreal Wildlife Paintings by Esther Van Hulsen


Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a great break and spent quality time with your family. Let's welcome 2019 with the surreal paintings by Esther van HulsenEsther van Hulsen is an artist presently living in Norway. She graduated in communication design and scientific illustration from Minerva Art Academy Groningen in 2004. Ever since, she has been a full-time artist. Her paintings have animals as a primary subject matter created with watercolor, colored pencils, copic markers and acrylics. She visits zoos and museums to sketch the animal she wants to draw. 

She has illustrated many books that received awards for their illustrations and have been published in countries like Russia, China, Denmark, Norway, The Netherlands and France. Also, her work has been published in magazines like National Geographic, Fossil News and Nature Magazine. For update on her new work you can follow her on Facebook.