Friday, November 15, 2013

Casey Roberts

This past week went by so fast. It feels like I was just writing a post on Monday and here it is Friday already. But I am grateful that I'll have some time off from the laptop. I hope you too find some time to pause and relax. I leave you for the week with the amazing work by Casey Roberts. To make these enchanting paintings Roberts uses a photochemical process commonly known as cyanotype.

"The cyanotype is a civil war era process that when exposed to sunlight and developed gives a vibrant blue image. I paint with this light sensitive medium directly on paper or canvas. With everyday items such as baking soda, bleach and peroxide I am able to achieve a range of colors and textures thru controlled chemical reactions. I repeat this process adding many layers until the image is fully realized, often finishing with watercolor painting or a collage element. It’s not as nerdy as it sounds."

Have a good weekend!

P.S.: If you haven't already, you can download our Owl Lover 2014 Calendar for free from here.

DIY: Owl Memo

Today's DIY is by Frederica who loves to create lovely paper crafts and share them on her blog. She emailed me to share this great tutorial with you on how to make an owl memo pad holder. The tutorial comes with a template and printable instructions both in English and French. The owl memo will make a perfect stocking stuffer or a small Christmas gift. Go here for more information and to download the template.

Winter Animals Desktop Wallpaper

The temperature is dropping fast outside so I found these cutest winter themed animal wallpaper to cheer you up in gray, cold nights ahead. Download the owl in scarf wallpaper from here and the cat in bunny costume from here.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Gifts To Keep You Warm

Every season Accessorize release a lovely collection of products. Honestly, I was not surprised to find many adorable owl themed products in their holiday range which will make great gifts that are not only cute but will also keep you and your loved ones warm and cozy in the winter. Find them (and more) here.

Owls You Have Never Seen Before

Tin Pan Owl

Inch Worm Owl

Frying Pan Owl

I saw an Owl

Fancy Face Owl

Catcher's Mitt Owl

Birch Bark Owl

While browsing online we often come across things that are simply impressive and inspiring, for example these unique pieces by Leo Monahan who created each owl face using ordinary objects like tin pans, tape, pencils, baseball mitts etc. Genius, right?

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Christmas Owl by Angela Muse

The Christmas Owl is a new children's book by Angela Muse released just in time for the holidays. It's a story about an injured barred owl who receives help in the time of need. The owl repays, with gratitude to all those who generously offered him food and shelter, with gifts making it a new Christmas tradition each year. Each page of the book is a delightful spread of bold and beautiful illustrations that gives this Christmas time story a warm feeling. All in all it's a book with a sweet and inspiring message which can be read by parents again and again. This book will make a neat Christmas present for a little someone special in your life. You can get it now from here.

Advent Calendars by Caroline Gardner

Advent calendars by Caroline Gardner come in four lovely designs - "count down to Christmas", "tree with presents", "nativity" and "jeruselum buildings".

Owl Print Dinnerware + Pans

I found this adorable owl print on dinnerware, kitchen tea towels, mitts, pans and kettle at this website called Zaak. The website is in Portuguese so I used Google translator to find all of their owl products to share with you here. However I couldn't find any information if they ship internationally, if you do then please let me know by leaving a comment below. 

Sukie: Book Bags

The new collection of bright book bags by Sukie are ideal for shopping trips on cloudy wintery days or to your local library. The bags are silk screen printed on both the sides in four lovely designs - diamonds, block, clouds and scallops. And yes, they ship internationally. You can find more details or order from here.