Friday, November 15, 2013

Casey Roberts

This past week went by so fast. It feels like I was just writing a post on Monday and here it is Friday already. But I am grateful that I'll have some time off from the laptop. I hope you too find some time to pause and relax. I leave you for the week with the amazing work by Casey Roberts. To make these enchanting paintings Roberts uses a photochemical process commonly known as cyanotype.

"The cyanotype is a civil war era process that when exposed to sunlight and developed gives a vibrant blue image. I paint with this light sensitive medium directly on paper or canvas. With everyday items such as baking soda, bleach and peroxide I am able to achieve a range of colors and textures thru controlled chemical reactions. I repeat this process adding many layers until the image is fully realized, often finishing with watercolor painting or a collage element. It’s not as nerdy as it sounds."

Have a good weekend!

P.S.: If you haven't already, you can download our Owl Lover 2014 Calendar for free from here.

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