Friday, February 10, 2012

Tutorial: Amigurumi Eggs

Airali's blog is full of cute little crochet creatures, patterns and amigurumi dolls. She has prepared a picture tutorial with step by step instruction on making these amigurumi eggs on her blog in both English and Italian. The instructions can also be downloaded as a PDF, if you want. You can make an owl, a pig, bee or anything else that comes to your minds. The finished animal egg can be used with a key ring to carry mints, pills, a secret message etc.


  1. I don't like that the owl looks mad! :(

    and check out my new owl candle light thingy:

    I actually thought of your blog when I got it :-)

  2. Oh they're sooooo cute! Sweet idea.

  3. I have not been able to find the English version of these adorable patterns. What am I not doing?

  4. Soooooo cute! Thanks for the link!

  5. Oh just found you at Lines Across My Face. She had an owl feature. I love owls and have a lot of owly things in my shop. I also love piggies, so I just adore this post. I would love for you to join my weekly Fri-Monday Anything Goes linky at Bacon Time.

  6. This is so cute! But where can I buy a chocolate egg? BTW, I have already registered for the giveaway, so add me in!
