Friday, February 10, 2012

DIY: Owl Treat Bags

This is a simple and an easy project I found on Melissa's blog that you must try this weekend. This homemade Valentine treat bag will be perfect to give sweets in to your friends or to send some to your kid's school. These heart shaped owl bags are in fact sweet enough to be included in most of the occassions from birthday parties to showers.Just play with some colors and personalize them with a message.

Tip: You can also glue the corners of the bag or hand sew them. It'll only take a little longer than sewing them with the help of a machine. But totally worth a try!

1 comment:

  1. These are so adorable! Thanks so much for sharing! These will definitely go on my "to do" project list for next year's Valentine's Day : )
    -Christi from, an art blog
