Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Whimsical Impasto Oil Paintings by Jodie Wells

Jodie Wells is an Australian visual artist who has been practicing art since 1997. She is known for creating luscious impasto flora and fauna oil paintings.

Her whimsical collection of birds are painted in minimal broad strokes of paint that is spread using a palette knife. The buttery, thick texture of her paintings give a visual satisfaction to the viewer. Her birds are painted in a dramatic colour palette creating a vivid interpretations of nature.

She shared what inspired her to paint the way she does. "I had been painting for a year or two, then we visited the Art Gallery of NSW and I saw a painting by Peter Booth called Siberia. It was captivating - thick impasto, bold, high contrast. That's when I knew I had to paint like that."

She has since been exhibiting her art all over Australia and her work has been acquired by the Gold Coast City Gallery. She has been a finalist for the prestigious Sunshine Coast Art Prize at Caloundra for the owl painting (shown above).

She has been honored with many awards including Moreton Bay Art Prize, Brisbane, Clayton Utz Art Award, Brisbane, Stan and Maureen Duke Art Prize, Black Swan Portraiture Prize, Perth, and Lethbridge 10000 Art Award, Brisbane to name a few.

Her paintings are available at Anthea Polson Art and Lethbridge Gallery. For new work and announcements related to her upcoming events, you can follow her on Instagram.

1 comment:

  1. j'aime beaucoup
    les touches et l'épaisseur accrochent la lumière
