Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Decorative Paper-Cut Sculptures by Daria Alyoshkina

Daria Alyoshkina is a Ukrainian paper artist who grew up in the region of Vynnytsia Oblast. The art of cutting out intricate designs out of paper is traditional art technique with which locals decorate their homes and windows. Daria learnt the Slavic art of Vytynanka (decorative papercutting) from her parents, who learnt from their parents, and have taken it to another level.

She creates both small and large pieces, she has cut paper installation measuring 2×4 meter. Her work is intricate in nature with thousands of teeny tiny geometric cuts into paper resulting which gives her work a delicate feel. She is a member of about thirty sculpture symposiums of Ukraine, Poland and Transnistria. Her works has made to private collections and has adorned several cities including Kyiv city, Lviv, Illichivsk, Zhovkva, Colomya, Kalush, Kamyanka (Transnistria), Rodovo (Gdansk, Poland), Plavna (Wroclaw, Poland). You can view more of her creations on Instagram.

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