Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Cheerful Illustrations by Cecile Berrube

Cecile Berrubé is a French illustrator based in a small village in Scotland. Her work is primarily inspired by nature, animals and her surroundings. When Cecile is not creating art, she likes to go out to observe creatures in their natural habitats. "Birds collecting the sticks to build a nest, the patient little snail on its journey, pigeons doing all sorts of goofy things. Through my art, I aspire to share these gentle and funny stories." She creates these wonderlands where she one wanted to live in when she was a little girl.

Her delightful illustrations often feature woodland creatures like owls, bunnies, bears, mice, armadillos and more. Her work has incredible amount of detail, each illustration can take up to 3 days to finish. She uses colored pencils, markers, and gouche paints in her work. You can find stickers, art prints and cards in her online store - Cecile Berrube.

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