Monday, November 23, 2020

Kit Davey of Found Object Art

Kit Davey is the artist behind Found Object Art who specializes in paper and book artwork. She has always been interested in art, and has taught art at Foothill and De Anza Colleges, Community Services and the Palo Alto Adult School. She has also taught at Book Arts at the Pacific Art League, Palo Alto.

She creates playful artist books, matchbox artwork, greeting cards, and three dimensional sculptures using only recycled and found objects such as cigar boxes, weathered wooden stake, tissue papers, vintage book, children's toys etc.

The one-of-a-kind artwork is made out of recycled materials that she found at flea markets, garage sales, collected from library sales, and picked from the trash. Her pieces are hand constructed with layers of paper and other objects that gives depth and intriguing narrative.

She now offers private classes in my Redwood City studio and gives workshops. Her work has been shown at the San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles and the De Saisset Museum. Her art is available on her website, at local art fairs and at the Book Arts Jam.

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