Thursday, September 17, 2020

Illustrations With Imaginative Characters by Ulla Norup Milbrath

Ulla Norup Milbrath is an illustrator and a paper-cut artist based in California. After gaining degrees in Art History and Textile Design, the artist was teaching art in private and public schools in Northern California.

During her childhood days, she had a great opportunity of traveling the world with her parents. Her work is both whimsical and nostalgic inspired by the folk-tales and fairytales as well as her travels to the new countries. Her characters in her work seems familiar with certain qualities from an imaginative world. The artist uses ink to drawn the illustrations which are then filled in with handmade watercolors. 

“Art keeps me sane, when everything else looks hopeless. I try to pour my daily stress into the creative process in hopes that my experiences expressed through my art will add beauty and joy to others who see it.” from her profile.

You can find her originals and art prints in her online store. While you are there make sure you check out her halloween cards based on her original paper-cut.

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