Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Animal Paintings Brought To Life With Abstract Watercolor Washes

Valerie de Rozarieux is a self-taught artist based in Derbyshire, UK. She has always been a nature lover and have enjoyed drawing ever since she was a little girl. Out of her love for colors, she has explored different media over the years including sewing, and jewelry making. When Valerie's three kids grew up, she decided to pick up her passion for watercolors. 

Her work has animals as the primary subject matter painted against abstract background. The fluidity of watercolors adds organic feel and texture to her work providing a perfect backdrop to showcase the beauty of animals.

"As to my process, I generally put down a light ink outline and then apply a loose wash, by splashing paint on and applying lots of water, reacting to what happens on the paper. Once this is thoroughly dry, I apply more paint to build upon the image. Aesthetically, I find that I like to see quite a lot of white paper and not cover it all with a wash" - via.

You can find her limited edition art prints in her online store - Vmderozart.

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