Monday, July 13, 2020

My Owl Barn Is 11 Years Old!

Artwork by Heather Gauthier

I have no idea how did this happen. It all started with me writing a blog to fill up my free hours in a day when I moved to the US from India. Now, when I look back I am grateful for having ever started this blog. 

Those of you who know me personally, already know that my blog has supported me and helped me find my sanity when everything else was going wrong in my life. It was the only thing for a very long time to which I dedicated all my time. As time passed on, my life changed and I became responsible for many more things. But, I could never stop publishing my daily posts here. I am not only a blogger any more, I am a co-founder of an NGO, a product manager and a farmstay manager. Despite the ever increasing list of things that I have to do in my day I have not be able to bring myself to say goodbye to My Owl Barn.

I completely enjoy finding new people and inspiration through the blog. I hope that I can keep writing this blog for many more years to come. Cheers!



  1. bravo merci pour ce blog très chouette
    Happy birthday et à demain!

  2. I adore your blog and have been following at least since 2012. Thanks for sharing such great owl artwork and love over the years!

  3. Hi !
    I would like to wish a very happy birthday to your blog and thank you for all you do.
    I discovered you blog few months ago, and since it is my piece of happiness in the day, a light ray when my mood is dark. Maybe it is a bit dumb, but I love to see owl pictures and art, it is very soothing for me !

    Again, thank you and long live this blog !
    I wish you the best !

  4. @Barbara Thank you for your wishes and making my day with your sweet comments :) You are awesome!

  5. @Wendy Thank you sweetheart 🤗

  6. ♥♥♥
    merci à toi surtout

  7. @Anonymous I am so glad to know that the posts on the blog brings a little joy in your day. It makes the blog so much more meaningful 😊

    Thank you for letting me know and your wishes!
