Monday, June 29, 2020

Paintings Rich In Symbolism by Scottish Artist Lucy Campbell

Lucy Campbell is a painter and a self-proclaimed "picture-story-teller" from Scotland. Her surroundings with beautiful hills and woods, and its inhabitants - owls, foxes, blackbirds and bumblebees, all inspire her work. Lucy is a self-taught artist who started her career as a full time artist in 2004. 

Her whimsical paintings depict women figures hugging their spirit creatures representing the connection with the wild within. There is beautiful symbolism in her work - healing, protection, peace, letting go and solace is represented with forests. Different animals in her work symbolize different things - energies within us, guiding forces, wisdom, and our inner wildness. "I paint to connect; I see the purpose of creating as providing a conduit for people to feel connected with their wild self, their child self; their furred, feathered, winged, untamed self. The subjects I paint are either engaged in a deep, soulful hug, or in magical flight - the flight of the unfettered imagination; always in connection with a spirit creature, to represent a connection with the wild within."

She has exhibited her paintings in Barcelona, London, Glasgow, Scotland, Bath and Los Angeles. Her work is in collections all over the world. You can find her art prints, cards, and notebooks in her online store.

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