Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Beautiful Watercolor Paintings by Freelance Illustrator Megan Murrell

Megan Murrell is a freelance illustrator from Minneapolis, Minnesota. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in both Studio Art and Biology from Saint Olaf College, after that she earned Master of Arts in Illustration degree from Savannah College of Art and Design.

She paints bold floral and fauna in bright colors and beautiful patterns. Through her work she records her surroundings in her own unique way. It's her passion for the natural world that primarily inspires her work. She works mainly with watercolors and gouache, and graphite, pen and ink, and colored pencil. She paints on cold pressed paper and uses flat washes, as well as wet-on-dry and wet-on-wet methods to achieve fluid lines and gorgeous watercolor washes.

You can find originals and art prints in her online store - MEGMURRillustration. Here's another reason for buying from her, she is donating 10% of proceeds till April 19th to a local food bank that's providing food to those in need and could use community support. You can read more about it on her Instagram.

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