Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Monochromatic Functional Ceramic Pieces Inspired By Nature

Kayo Benson is a ceramic artist and an illustrator from Vancouver. She has always been interested in creating new designs, she uses the ceramic surface to design nature inspired illustrations. Owl, deer, bighorn, moose, fawn, raccoon, fox etc. are hand drawn using underglaze pencil, underglaze paints and inscribing tools. Her ceramics are organically shaped by hand featuring monochromatic illustrations with some color here and there. 

"I like the idea of combining visual art and functional ceramics to evoke a feeling, such as comfort, a sense of tranquility and nostalgia etc into something we use in everyday life."

Her pieces are one-of-a-kind that will make perfect gift for an animal lover as well as an art lover. For bowls, plates, vases, yarn holders, mugs and variety of other ceramics visit her online store

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