Friday, February 14, 2020

Thomas Turner Uses Walls As His Canvas For Painting

Thomas Turner is a gallery artist and freelance designer based in Atlanta, GA. In the last few years he has evolved and began to explore the art of mural painting. His work mostly depicts birds and animals in a scenario which would only exist in one's imagination. For example: a barn owl carrying a colorful tree, a flying pig, and an otter family perched on a turtle are some of his whimsical paintings. He has created murals for many local businesses including a brewery, a real estate company, and major league sports teams such as Atlanta United.

The barn owl mural shown at the top titled “Passage Over the Horizon” was painted for MiscFit Studio in Atlanta. "This piece is dedicated to all those seeking a better life for themselves and their families. Whether on a mental voyage towards peace of mind or physically traversing the globe in search of refuge, every human deserves the chance at happiness and a healthy life." via

You can find more information on the pieces he is working on and did in the past on Instagram.