Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Vintage Stamps Turned Into Artwork by Genna Tarnowski

Many Moons ago I used to be obsessed with collecting stamps. I had a huge collection of stamps from all over the world which I eventually gave away. It was intriguing to come across a vintage stamp that was an artwork in itself and later finding out an interesting history around it.

If you are like me or know of someone who loves to hoard stamps then these miniature ornaments will bring them smile. Signature Stamps of Genna Tarnowski is an online store that offers vintage stamp in form of washi tape, wrapping paper, gift tags and miniature stamp frames. Her collection is from 1970s, 1980s, as well as limited edition fictional characters, and famous people and movies.

The above shown are few of the stamps I hand-picked from the Valentine's day collection. You can also find more in her online store.

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