Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Whimsical Ceramic Collection by Ukrainian Artist Julia Osoka

Julia Osoka is a ceramic artist based in Ukraine. The artist creates plates, bowls, spoons and mugs with whimsical illustrations. Each ceramic is hand-painted with nature inspired designs featuring owls, rabbits, birds, and mice framed with floral wreaths.

The ceramic pieces are created using the milk glazing technique also known as milk firing. The process involves soaking the piece in milk before firing. The process makes the item water resistant preventing the colors from fading over time and smooth to touch. You can learn more about Julia's work work on Instagram where she also regularly shares her new creations.


  1. So lovely! All of your work is fabulous! Please let us know where we can purchase?

  2. Sooo beautiful, I fell in love with your collection, it´s so original and unique as far as design and choice of motifs and colours is concerned, absolutely adorable. Would it be possible to see some of your work in shops in Slovakia????

  3. Beautiful . Please let me know where can I purchase this?

  4. Came across this artist. Julia Osoka's work...available?

  5. @Texas Girl @sonalipandit The artist can be contacted directly through the link under the post.

    @Cecil Absolutely, gorgeous!
