Monday, November 4, 2019

Giant Sculptures Made With Pumpkins at Jucker Farm


Jucker Farm is one of the prominent producer and distributor of pumpkin in Switzerland. They also host biggest pumpkin festival in the country in collaboration with a freelance artist Pit Ruge.

The festival features woodland creatures, fairy-tale inspired characters and other objects, new theme every year for the last 20 years. The sculptures are made up of wooden and straw frame which are then decorated with an array of bright, colorful pumpkins. The above shown are some of my favorite sculptures created for the Jucker Farm Pumpkin festival in the past.

The farm annually celebrates the pumpkin season with a exhibiting giant pumpkin sculptures, pumpkin carving events, a pumpkin show and much more. It's the place for the entire family to visit from September until the end of October to delve into fun activities. You can read more about the event here.