Thursday, October 3, 2019

Driftwood and Found Objects Turned Into 3-Dimensional Artwork

Kirsty Elson is a multi-media artist working and living in Cornwall, UK. She creates three dimensional artwork using driftwood, shells, and other found objects from her neighborhood beaches. She loves to work with driftwood since every piece is unique so whatever she creates with it is one-of-a-kind. 

Her work is inspired by her surroundings, but mostly inspired by the materials she finds. She also receives wooden scarps from friends and family which she wouldn't have otherwise found. This works as a challenge for her to create something that she has never created before, and keeps her work ever evolving and fresh. To make an owl she would use rusty nails for a branch, metal nuts for feet, and washers for eyes. You can find more of her unique pieces on Instagram.

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