Friday, August 30, 2019

Wildlife Artist and a Conservationist Niharika Rajput

Niharika Rajput is a wild life artist and bird conservationist based in New Delhi, India. Self-taught artist explored with different materials from wire, mesh, fiber and ceramic, but it was paper that resonated with her the best. She creates gorgeous bird sculptures by hand, she would start with a clay body of a bird, then painstakingly stick each feather that she hand-cut and painted. She has made a range of one-of-a-kind birds like kingfisher, budgie, eagle owl, hen harrier, black necked cranes and more.

She uses her work as a tool to raise awareness how we humans are destroying the natural habitat of these creatures and hoping to bring attention to the urgent need of adopting measures to protect and conserve endangered species. She continues to work with many nature centres, wildlife organisations, art galleries and schools to raise awareness about the current state of the birds.

You can find paintings, ornaments, mobiles, art prints and original sculptures in her online store - PaperChirrups.

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