Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Adorable Miniature Paintings by German Artist Frank Holzenburg


"Art makes life sweet, giving back makes it sweeter" reads Frank Holzenburg's profile.

Frank is a German artist presently living in Kassel who studied fine arts and geography, and created his art with medieval book illumination as a student. Before he became a full-time artist he worked as a puppeteer, graphic designer, and teacher.

Frank enjoys to paint and draw something every day. He specializes in making miniature art inspired by what he comes across in his day-to-day life and finds interesting. He paints a wide range of subjects from animals to landscapes, from fictional characters to objects. His work captures minimalist form that captures the basic characteristic of his models. You can find originals, some as small as 1.4 x 1.3 cm in size, and art prints on his website. To see more of his work you can follow him on Instagram.


  1. You may like these!!!

  2. Barbara and Jane, thank you for stopping by! @Jane I'll certainly take a look, thanks!
