Thursday, February 14, 2019

Life-Like Owl Sculptures by Jose Heroys

Long-Eared Owl

Great Horned Owl

Burrowing Owls

Baby Tawny Owls

Tawny Owl
Spectacled Owl

Little Owl

Snowy Owl

Barn Owl

Short-Eared Owl

Sussex based fiber artist Jose Heroys creates life-like sculptures of birds and owls. She grew up watching the antics of birds in her garden and they still remain the biggest source of inspiration for her work. She makes every bird by hand which takes anywhere from days to make a small bird to a few weeks to make the largest owl. She starts by crocheting the main structural form and then adds fine details around eyes and face using needle-felting and embroidery.

"The finished bird is tactile, and conveys something of what it feels like to hold a real one in your hand. I love bringing these birds to life and I hope they make you smile."

Each bird comes with a uniquely numbered ring around their feet for easy identification. You can visit her website to see the birds available for purchase.


  1. Ah, they are adorable <3
    Just found your blog, while googling for inspiration for owl crafts (maybe something in 3D with paper).

    I drew a great grey owl some weeks ago:

  2. @Anna-Maria Hey, thank you for stopping by! I took a look at your work, the owl is incredible! Thanks for sharing. I hope you visit again :)

  3. @Muhammad Idrees I am glad you liked it!

  4. Such a amazing article or say post after reading this just love it and now i follow you for more update keep it up !
