Friday, January 25, 2019

Birds Painted With Brights Colors and Bold Strokes by Anya Brock

Anya Brock was born in 1983 to parents who influenced her since the childhood to create. She is an well-renowned Australian artist known for her paintings created with bright colors and bold strokes. Her paintings primarily depict female figures, animal portraits and geometric patterns on an abstract background.

To achieve the paint-dripping effect in her paintings she would start with a flat colored background "I throw diluted paint at an upright canvas and allow it to run... Then I go over in it pen and start shading and doing all the detail and definition. I then pour water all over it or in specific areas to let the pen run. And depending on the piece I either keep throwing paint at it or start working on detailed patterned areas or do more pen and water work! These pieces have probably taken the longest out of everything I’ve done." via

She has painted large scale murals on the walls in Los Angeles, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth and Fremantle. Besides painting, she has worked in the fashion industry with some of the prominent British fashion houses including Christopher Kane and Richard Nicoll. You can follow her on Facebook for updates on her upcoming shows, announcements on workshops and special offers.

Have a wonderful weekend! See you on Monday.

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