Monday, May 7, 2018

Miniature Paper Illustrations and Models by Georgie Monica

Georgie Monica is an illustrator and paper artist from Devon, England who graduated from Falmouth University in Cornwall, England. She creates amazing miniature three dimensional illustrations using paper! She makes one-of-a-kind models that are hand-painted and sets them up into diorama.

It's really astonishing how much detail she is able to capture in her tiny pieces some that are 1.5" high and only 5.5" long. She shared the process behind her work involves "a lot of scraps of paper that I bend into shapes to try and simulate the object and I usually create a sort of “visual equation” which allows me to make the final items. Then it’s painting, building and photographing." via

Her narrative illustrations often feature animals and women which create curiousity into the viewer to enquire more into other lives through the windows created by the artist. It's obvious that her work is influenced by ancient mythology, contemporary film, books, poetry and pictures that result into multiple atmospheric 2d images. Visit her website to see more of her work and join her on Instagram. She has few of the pieces that are available for purchase in her online store.

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