Friday, April 13, 2018

Black and White Ceramics by Jennifer Falter

Jennifer Falter is a ceramic artist and the owner of Springfield Pottery Center in Missouri a community clay center to teach classes and for exhibitions. She earned her BFA in ceramics from Missouri State University in 1996. She works on pure white porcelain as her canvas and black slip. To reveal the final imagery she carefully carves away the black slip with sgraffito, this technique leaves behind a lovely texture. Each piece is hand-thrown and bisqued making them ideal to be used everyday. "I strive to make pots that others will enjoy using in their daily lives." The artist's work can be found in several galleries throughout the region and in private collections. You can view more of her ceramic ware here

1 comment:

  1. This work is enchanting; thank you so much for making us aware of this artist. You never fail to provide us with wonderful and interesting things to check out. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into your blog. xox
