Thursday, March 29, 2018

Quirky Bird Doodles With Funny Captions by Kate Wilson


London based freelance illustrator Kate Wilson creates all sorts of amazing birds among other things for her blog called "Little Doodles". She graduated with first class honors in BA Illustration from the University of the Arts. With passion for doodling she made her career out of it, and aren't we glad!

Through her creative and quirky style of doodling she brings birds and the little things like their hair-dos, clothes and pastries to life. To go with her work are the funny captions that she puts under her drawings such as "Stella always had cake on the brain". She uses pencil, black pen, watercolors to make her work on a beautiful textured background.

She has worked for a range of clients including Marc Jacobs, Marie Claire, The Guardian, The New York Times, Liberty of London, Marie Claire and Links of London. You can find more of her work here and on Instagram.

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