Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Embroidered Owl Purses by Japanese Artist


Just when I was starting to think I have seen all the cute owl purses, I discover gorgeous embroidery by Kumasanmania a Japanese artist. She has created a series of embroidered owl purses on Instagram that are an evidence of how much she loves to work with needle and thread, and owls. " I am addicted to embroidery" she shares in her profile.

The purses are embroidred with lots of patience and dedication featuring barn owl, snowy owl, great horned owl and screech owl in array of cheerful colors. It's impossible to pick just one! It seems like her creations get sold out in blink of an eye, so if you like something for yourself then you can get updates on her new products here.

1 comment:

  1. How can I purchase the coin purses with the owls? Such beautiful detail.
