Friday, September 1, 2017

Happy Labor Day! + Ceramic Pencil Holders

Happy September! This brand new month comes with a long weekend, it's the Labor day in the US. Are you going to use this break to relax before the new-season begins? Or, have you planned an exciting trip? Whatever you end up doing, I hope you have fun!

But before I go, I wanted to introduce you to adorable yet functional ceramics by Daria Kreis a ceramist from Saint Petersburg, Russia. Her online store Scandiaca11 offers animal shaped tealight holders, plates, sculptures, cups and pencil holders. The unusual shapes of animals in her ceramics are still recognizable by wonderful details such as feathers, beaks and spines. You must visit her online store to see more of her creations.

Happy Labor day! I'll see you back on Tuesday.

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