Friday, August 18, 2017

DIY Hoop Kits by Heidi Boyd

A few years ago, I used to embroider but gradually I started to find less and less time to pursue my interest and eventually, I realized my schedule left me with no time to make even a few stitches.

When I see embroidery kits I think they are truly great for people who are beginners or those of us who want to make something fun without spending too much time. Heidi Boyd's lovely hoop kits are easy enough so that you can whip out a piece in no time at all! It's as simple as cutting the template pieces out of felt and embroidering them onto the fabric. The kits are available in several adorable designs including - owls, loons, chickadees, fox, deer and more! Take a look at all the products on her website where she also offers kits to sew your own soft toys, tea towels, make your jewelry and fairies.

Have a great weekend!

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