Thursday, June 15, 2017

Trash Turned Into Amazing Sculptures by Bordalo Segundo


Bordalo Segundo also known as Bordalo II is an artist from Portugal who uses trash and discarded materials to make massive 3D sculptures. He travels all around the world with an aim of spreading awareness about the impact human consumerism has on the planet. His work often features animals in strong and deep colors.

"I belong to a generation that is extremely consumerist, materialist and greedy. With the production of things at its highest, the production of "waste" and unused objects is also at its highest. "Waste" is quoted because of its abstract definition: "one man's trash is another man's treasure". I create, recreate, assemble and develop ideas with end-of-life material and try to relate it to sustainability, ecological and social awareness." via.

You can see more of his work blogged previously, here.

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