Monday, March 20, 2017

Amazing Paper Bird Sculptures by Diana Beltran Herrera

Little Owl

Little Owl in progress

Little Owl skeleton

Blue Masked Lovebird

White Parrot


Little Blue Heron

American Robin

Northern Mockingbird

Common Kingfisher

European Bee Eater


Good Morning, friends! To start off this new week I would like to present a very talented artist Diana Beltran Herrera whose work is all over the internet. She is so popular for her work that chances are you must have seen her bird sculptures before on other blogs and websites. Colombia based artist Diana Beltran Herrera makes lifelike bird sculptures using pieces of colored paper including owl, heron, woodpecker, kingfisher, parrot and more.

She has exhibited in her country as well as participated in both solo and group shows in Europe, Asia and USA. She has worked with organizations and private clients such as 215mmcann, Olivari Olive Oil, Volevatch, Longwood gardens US, ENI, Marina Rinaldi, Lebeau- Courally, James Cropper UK, Hodder and Stoughton UK, Horse Mag and many others. To know what is she working on and where is she going to exhibit next, you can follow her on Facebook

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