Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Mochi Mochi: Felt Birds

I just discovered the amazing work of Mochi Mochi Nao' a Chiba based artist who makes little felt birds. Her birds are adorable who are often seen wearing headsets, glasses, and scarves. She has made very expressive barn owls and a variety of birds in different sizes. You must visit her facebook page where she shares her latest felt creatures. Her website has links to the stores where her felt birds are available for purchase. 


  1. Adorable! I've liked the artist's FB page.

  2. Wow! They are so cute1! Do you manage to have an Etsy? I would love to get one of these babies!

  3. I am glad you loved the feature :) You can contact the artist through the link given in the post. Have a good day!
