Friday, July 15, 2016

Stunning Owl Chairs

Hello Friends, I shall wrap up for the weekend with this post featuring stunning owl chairs that are handpicked by me from all over the internet. An accent chair is an ideal solution for adding personality to your space, and a definite conversation piece. My favorite is the third chair from the top with owl wings spread out to form backrest. Which one do you like?

Have a great weekend! I'll see you on Monday.


  1. Love them all, but I especially like the last one - Melissa Del Pinto's chair. Again, all of the chairs are so beautifully done.

  2. My favorite is the one by Patricia Monkey. I love it!

  3. Thank you for taking the time to find these chairs for us--they are all very cool and show lots of designer imagination. I like the chair you like, and I really like the very last chair, but if I could only have one, I'd snag the rocking chair. I love rockers anyway, and this one is gorgeous.
    Thank you so much for all the time and effort you put into this blog; I don't comment often, but you deserve a lot of credit. THANK YOU!!!

  4. Wow just beautiful! Especially the last one. You might love owls more than me : )
