Friday, January 15, 2016

DIY Paper Totem Characters with Template

Good morning! After stowing away the holiday decorations for the next year, we all are ready to make something fun and fresh. I have found just the thing for you to make on the weekend. The  paper animal totems is a great diy project for those of us who enjoy geometric shapes, totems, animals, and easy projects. 

The five adorable characters - owly hexagonal prism, pointy tetrahrdron, grumpy lion icosahedron, bashful octahedron and sleepy cube will make you smile everytime you look at them. You can download the template for any or all of the little guys, then print, fold and glue to make your own totem animals! These can be made into ornaments, garland, mobile or simply pile them into a totem to keep you company at your desk. The printable and the instructions can be found at Minieco.

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