Monday, August 17, 2015

Whimsical Sculptures by Molly Miller

Molly Miller is an artist from Salt Lake City who makes one-of-a-kind sculptures. Her work is exquisite, beautiful and has fairy-tale like elements. She uses paper mache, paper, polymer clay, wood, fabric, and small odds and ends of all kinds to make her sculptures. She re-uses and re-purposes items in her pieces that otherwise would have landed in trash. She calls it " a happy benefit of this creative process."  Her creations are highly detailed depicting animals with distinctive personalities such as Oliver the book loving owl with beautiful eyes peeking through glasses made from coke bottle. These are perfect heirloom creations that can be treasured for many years to come.

"Her art  inspired and soothed the young , while enabling the older crowd to reach back into the remnants of their pasts and resurrect those childhood conjuring's long forgotten. Was she magic ??  No. She simply knew the power of our imaginations and  was determined to harness the fantastic to create talismans that would always awaken the innocent wonder in all of us." from her website.

You can visit her website Swanky Egg to view more of her wonderful things including faux taxidermy, mobiles, sculptures and jaw-droppingly, gorgeous canopies.

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