Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Juliet Docherty's Magical Animals

Juliet Docherty was interested in drawing, painting and making things since childhood. She was inspired by rugged landscape where she grew up near Whitby on the North Yorkshire Moors that helped form her fascination with art materials.  She studied 3D design in wood, glass, metal and ceramics at Manchester and the Royal College of Art, London. 

When she had children she was reading picture books to them for many years and eventually decided to study for the M.A. in Children’s Book Illustration at Anglia Ruskin University.

"My background in materials has filtered into my illustration work, and I enjoy the process of experimenting with different types of media to evoke atmosphere. At the moment, I am particularly interested in concept books for children."

Her first collection of animal prints for Little Carousel Gallery created by combining mixed media, inks, watercolor and etching. These magical animal in her distinctive style will be treasured forever by children, young and old. If you have an idea for a project that you would like to do with her, contact her through her website.

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