Monday, June 1, 2015

Tony Fitzpatrick: A Collage Artist


Tony Fitzpatrick is one of the well-known artists of Chicago. He was a tattoo artist before he turned to large scale mixed media drawings, paintings and multi-colored collages. His work shows influence of everyday street life in Chicago, childhood encounters with Catholic icons, superheroes, owls and other animals. His collages generally have a primary image placed in the center that is surrounded by other images telling a story about it. It's like there are multiple stories all happening at once.

His collages are a beautiful mixture of handmade drawings, found images and ephemera like baseball cards and matchbooks, cigar bands, advertising and narrative text. His work is included in many public institutions as well as at the Museum of Modern Art and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. 

If you like, you can join him on facebook where he posts his new work and about his upcoming shows.

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