Monday, June 16, 2014

The Sound of Clocks

The Sound of Clocks (Tik Tok, Bunyi Jam in Persian) is a lovely pictures book for children written by Akram Ghasempour and illustrated by Parisa Shahandeh. I am afraid, the book is not written in English but the illustrations are simply delightful and deserve to be featured and shared with you all here. The book features owls, birds in bright and textured colors in a unique style.

The entire book can be viewed at Children's Here's a little summary from the site about the book : "The big clock hand is always busy doing his own job and pays no attention to the little hand. One night he sees in his dream that the wind has taken the little hand away and he is left all alone on the surface of the clock. Terrified by loneliness, he offers his friendship to the little clock hand and then they spend their time happily until one day the wind wants to take the little hand away. The two hands join efforts to confront the wind and finally manage to make it flee."


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