Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Food Illustrations by Anna Keville Joyce

An owl made of dry pasta, leeks, rice and grains, and clouds made with pieces of cauliflower.

This piece made in the honor of her pet. The bird's body is made from peeled carrot and and potato skins for feathers.The branch is made of green onions.

Birds on a wire made with strips of eggplant, small grains to join cooked pasta together.

A flamingo made of rice, radishes and crushed Fruit Loops.

A woodpecker made of coffee beans and seeds.

Anna Keville Joyce is a food illustrator and stylist currently based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. When she lost her pet bird named Budgie she created a beautiful series of edible plate illustrations called A Tribute to Budgie. The birds illustrations are made up of 100% food elements and were shot by photographer Agustín Nieto. 

'It's my tangible expression of mourning, a mediation and part of my healing process. I believe that all experiences, even grief, can take shape and create something new and beautiful.'

Food styling is the artist's passion and she enjoys using raw food as an artistic medium in her pieces because it's so dynamic. Sunflower seeds, egg yolks and the fleshy parts of fruits and vegetables are some of the most 'expressive' edible elements she has worked with. Visit her website to learn more about her work and to see her portfolio. 


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