Thursday, February 23, 2012

Perler Beads Owls




I adore these colorful owls made with Perler beads by Flora. I never got a chance to play with these kind of beads when I was a kid because they were not available in India. After seeing these little guys, I am inspired to try making some myself. Did you play with the beads while growing up?

{1st image via}


  1. Love them!! how can i get instructions/link/web.. to learn how to make them??
    Thank you

  2. These are so cute. My nieces and I played with them when they were younger. I wouldn't let them use the iron. Now they are 26 and 21. A couple of years ago my 26 year old picked up a Hugh pack at Michaels. We spent a lovely evening making stars and watching movies. I still told them they were too young to use the iron.
