Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Giveaway: Owl Vase


Remember this post I did last year on Hoot owl vases? And, remember how much we all loved them and wanted them. Well, if you are reading this post then you have one last chance to win this vase. This could be your only chance to win this giveaway because these vases are so hard to get and they go like hot cakes. I was lucky that Nood sent me this purple vase for this giveaway. I have held this little guy in my hands and trust me, it's gorgeous! Its perfectly shaped beak makes it suitable to be used as a pitcher, or simply set it on your windowsill and let the whimsical light filtered from its honeycomb pattern fill your room. 

It's not available anywhere online, so don't let this opportunity pass you by. To enter this giveaway -

The entry with the most votes will be the winner of this vase. The winner will be announced sometime on January 13th. This giveaway is open to all international readers.

Our winner is Peter! Thank you all for playing.


  1. Sweet i hope to win, i love this vase. http://bit.ly/sMWUt7

  2. I Love Your blog and I like very much Owl wase :)http://bit.ly/zCLABn

  3. http://www.amazon.com/Ambra-Small-Glass-Owl-Vase/dp/B005FB2QBA

    It is available online...and in different colors...

  4. So fun!! I just printed this - here it is, uncut, with my 2 favorite owls in the house - a felted wool & my grandmothers metal bobble!


  5. oh this vase is beautiful! i totally had plans to print the calendar, but both our printers ran out of ink! hopefully, soon i can get it done ;)


  6. I'd love this! Here's my calendar! Need to cut it still http://on.fb.me/xoG2fs

  7. Just entered the contest! I cut out the owl created by Alisa Coburn and placed him inside a teeny tiny cage ornament. Home sweet home! http://bit.ly/w00lAN

  8. *pouts* My calendar is at work and I just got home from work and saw this. Hopefully I'll remember to snap a photo tomorrow...

  9. @Anonymous The vase for giveaway is by Nood. I have seen it in person so I can assure you that it's amazing! Thanks for the link to the other brand that makes similar vase but I am not sure how it feels and looks in person. I have to see it to say that both the vases are same. Thanks again for the link and stopping by.

    Have a great day!

  10. @ Holly Thank you for participating!

  11. What is the deadline for entering?

  12. @Stephanie The last date to submit an entry is Jan. 12th and the winner will be announced the day after.

    Good luck!

  13. This giveaway came just after I had spent a month browsing through your archives till Jan 2010. I finally gave up on 2009; my, you are prolific! It was the varied designs and artworks that kept me hooked, despite being no particular fan of owls. I kept clicking on links and following them up to see so much beauty. In the end I think I have started to love owls too! So, I thought I must enter and try to get this pretty vase, and I submitted a photo. Only then did I realize that it was a competition of sorts - not of photography, but of how many people one could coerce or cajole into becoming a fan of myowlbarn and then voting. As much as I love this site, I think it is a bit unfair to ask my friends to 'love me, love my owls too'. I wish you had posted that bit about it being a contest right here!

  14. @Swati Thank you so much for stopping by my blog to leave the sweet comment about how much you liked my blog and my posts. I also want thank you for your thought of participating in the contest. I am really sad to hear that you felt the way you did, but it is a photography competition! The only difference being that instead of me being the judge I am letting the community be the judge.

    Also, I want to clarify that to vote for your photos, your friends (or anybody else for that matter) does_not_have to be a fan of My Owl Barn. Only the participants need to be a fan of My Owl Barn on Facebook. I hope that addresses your concern.

    Have a great day,

  15. I love love love the calendar!! Such a great idea! I have posted your button on my blog (its a new blog) at www.jackieuvalltrades.blogspot.com

  16. Thanks for the clarification Shivani, but I had a friend go to the link for my picture to vote, and she said she couldn't see anything till she was a fan - hence my comment. And, it was also not clear that it was a photography competition till I submitted, but hey, no problem! These are just minor glitches. I am truly grateful to you for all the eye candy!

  17. Love your site & this vase is beautiful! I got mine online, but they are currently sold out...


    Whoever is the lucky winner will surely love it! Best of luck to you all & thank you Shivani for hosting great giveaways and keeping your site full of amazing owls!
