Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Two Hoots Wine Label

I am loving the owl illustrations on the wine packaging and labels designed by Maegan Brown for a Canadian Winery Two Hoots (update: thanks Meagan for the update. Too bad, the wine doesn't exist.). The wine bottles feature five eye-catching illustrations of owls that are sure to please a young audience and anyone who is a fan of cool package design.

But that's not all, "Each owl character has been designed to match the characteristics of the wine, which nicely ties into the tongue in cheek descriptions on the back of each varietal. Back label of Cabernet Rose: 'Like the screeching owl, this cabernet rose has a rather flirtatious character. Fresh peach and pear aromas combine with cheeky cherry flavours to add sweetness to the playful, fruity wine.' Back label of Cabernet Merlot: 'Robust and vigorous like the spotted owl, this cabernet merlot has a rich plum character. Oak and blackcurrant aromas combine with dark cherry flavours to add luxury to this hearty wine." 

{via The Dieline}


  1. Where can I buy it?

  2. So cute! Does anyone know where you can buy these?

  3. Hey fellow owl lovers, Maegan here.

    I designed these wine labels for a fictional packaging brief, so they do not actually exist and are not on the market. I'm not sure where this Canadian winery came into the picture – I'm based all the way in Australia, how odd. Great to see lots of people like the labels though!

  4. @Maegan Thanks for clearing that up. I don't recall the website where I read about the Canadian winery but I promise I didn't make that up. Anyway, good job on the design. I wish it was not a fictional product so the owl and wine lovers could enjoy it :)

  5. That's truly unfortunate! Might be best to remove from website, or change it to a product Meagan Brown is offering..
    Very misleading. Thanks!

  6. @Stephanie Maegan left a comment a while ago clearing things up for us about the wine. I now have also updated the post so there is no more confusion. Have a good day!
