Monday, November 7, 2011

I need your opinion!

owl light1

owl light2

I first saw this owl wall light on and honestly, I liked it at first sight for it's uniqueness and whimsy. It especially looks great against that gorgeous wallpaper. When I started to read what others have to say, I was really shocked to find that many found it too scary for a kids room and expressed their disliking for the lamp. I don't have kids, so I have no way of verifying that. But if I were a kid, I would have liked those lamps in my room. May be, a parliament of owls in different sizes?

I would like to know your opinion. Do you find the lamps scary for a kid's room? Would you have it in a grown-up's space?

The Uhu Wall Light comes in two different owl silhouettes - the Eagle Owl and the Tawny Owl. You can buy the lights from here, if you don't mind those eyes starring at you :)


  1. It's funny that you ask that question; my intial thought (and I said it aloud to myelf) "ItKs kinda creepy!" I think it's a nice light but I think it's a bit frightful for kiddos. It looks rather dashing against that awesome wallpaper though.

  2. From 8/9 years & up it shouldn't be a problem. But with my 2 boys, both under the age of 7, I think they do get scared by those big-lighted-eyes in the dark at night.

  3. I love the lamp, but it IS a little ominous. I could see how a kid might find it frightening.

  4. i can see how it would be scary for a kids room, but i would definitely put that in my room!

  5. I love them but they are a bit scary...
    Maybe if they came in other colors than black...

  6. Hi, ih think there are to scary for Kids, a kids place must be full of colours and fun, no black spooky owls ;) Nice owls with lovely eyes and colurful bodys...

  7. I can sorta see why this would be scary for kids. I think its the whole "empty eye" thing thats a bit eerie. If it had pupils it might not be so bad maybe? Either way I love it, and would totally have it for myself. :-)

  8. I would also think it is too scary for a child ...if I remember what I found scary when I was little:)

  9. Thank you guys for sharing your opinion with me. I can see how can some kids feel terrified by those big, bright eyes. I'll still love it for my room :)

  10. My 10-year old daughter thinks it's scary :-)
    but I would love to have it in my room!!!

  11. ciao,io credo che i bambini dopo i 7-8 anni amino le cose un pò terrificanti,quindi,per me è,eh,eh,!non solo i bambini,le metterei anch'io nella mia camera!

  12. I think it depends on the kid! I could understand if many kids (and owl-phobic adults!) would find it scary, but I don't think it is inherently all that scary. I think that kids who love owls would not find it scary at all.
    I would definitely have in my own space!

  13. my first thought was "wow, that's really cool!" but my second thought was, that in the dark, it would probably look spooky. so yes, too spooky for a child's room!

  14. Depending on the kids, it may be scary, but they may as well think it really neat, especially if they love owls and some do.
    I think it is great and would love it in my home - especially with that wallpaper!

  15. I grew up with an aunt who's house was FULL of owl stuff, I mean everything was owls! lol. I would spend the night there often. I was always fascinated with owls. I think it all depends on the child. Also, I think that some of children's fears are installed from their parents, whether it's intended or not. If I had that in my room when I was a child, I would have loved it!

  16. The first pic is a little too scary. The second one is not too scary but not a hit with my 3-4 girls, who much enjoy cute owls!

  17. Going against the grain here- my 5 year old grandson LOVED it and now wants them in his room : )

  18. I think they're brilliant! I'd perhaps use the book 'Owl Babies' to introduce the concept of owls in the bedroom?

  19. I think it's awesome! It might be scary at night... but maybe you could paint it bright colors or something? I don't know, guess you could just try it. :)

  20. i LOVE them. But my son would probably be scared... I'd use them in a grown up's space :)

  21. Me too - would love these owls for myself but I wouldn't dream of putting them in my boys' rooms - they are 3 and 4. I just know they would scare them. Shame as my 3 year old's room is owl themed.

  22. I'd only put it in a kid's room if I wanted to be awakened in the middle of the night by a scared kid! ;)

    I'm not sure it wouldn't scare me in my own room either! But it's still kinda cool!

  23. I find them a bit scary--the eyes. I like cute owls.

  24. With all the Harry Potter fans out there I'm sure there are a LOT of kids who'd find these lamps awesome and not scary at all.

  25. My two girls 6 & 8 might have trouble with it. I think a pupil would make all the difference and it wouldn't take much to stick a bit of cardboard to the back leaving only a small amount of area for the light to glow thru. The pupil could sit anywhere in the eye socket (well, anywhere around the circumference -- it needs to touch the side somewhere). Ooooh: wouldn't it be great if it were movable so that one day it could be looking to the left, another downwards, etc.

  26. uhhhh, yes a bit scary for children, even a bit for me. but they are lovely once one gets past the creep factor.

  27. I don't think its scary for a kids room...And I would soooo use it in a grown up space!!! So cute!

  28. It's fun to read all the comments. I agree with many of you who said that every child is different. I guess it has nothing to do with age.

    There is a good chance, a kid who loves owl (such as Harry Potter fan, good point Daffycat) will like this light that many of us find scary.

    Good to know that many of you like it and will have it your room. I am, too, keeping the light on my "Love and must-have" list :)

  29. La penso come Giulia: ai bambini piace un po' di paura e mistero!
    Ma credo sia sufficiente raccontare che gli occhi sono lì per proteggerli.
    Just like Giulia, I believe that children like horror and mistery stories... so just tell them the eyes are there to look after them and to protect them!

  30. As a kid, I would've loved it but I know many of my friends the same age scared easily. And that one on the left looks a bit angry.

    They ARE cool.

  31. Another one in the "creepy" camp here! I do really like them, but I think it's the shape of the eye -- if they were a little rounder, I probably wouldn't feel this way -- as is, they kinda look like they're scowling at me :)

  32. I love it against that wallpaper but my kids would be creeped out I think (despite one being a massive HP fan). When they are older it would probably be fine. Like others have said, it would depend on the kid, not their age necessarily. I would totally love it for me though!

  33. i think it's very cute. little kids might find it scary, but my little sibs wouldn't.i suppose it would seem scary for kids who believe there's a monster under their bed
